Explore the Enhanced ICF Learning Portal
We know how important continuous learning is to remain fresh in your skills and knowledge as a coaching professional, and we have enhanced the ICF Learning Portal experience to make it easier for you to find the offerings you are seeking. Plus, you will no longer need to claim credit when completing a course. The system automatically does it for you.
We encourage you to look around and start learning!
Upcoming Communities of Practice
ICF Communities of Practice (CPs) are a great way to earn Continuing Coach Education (CCE) units and are free for all ICF members. We hope to see you at one of our upcoming sessions!
- Coaching Supervision Community of Practice: Looking at Coaching from 7 Perspectives on April 27 at 1 p.m. (New York). Join Eve Turner and Damian Goldvarg, MCC, for an interactive session using the Seven-Eyed Model to explore coaching from different perspectives.
- Health and Wellness Community of Practice: Why is Everybody Talking About Embodiment? on May 9 at 11 a.m. (New York). The world has woken up to the body. Clair Dale, PCC, and Kevin Chapman, PCC, will lead a discussion about the possibilities that embodiment holds for increased cognitive, emotional, and social performance.
- ICF Research Series: The Neuroscience of Trust for Coaching: A Very Practical Approach on May 12 at 12 Noon (New York). ICF research staff and Joseph Tigani, founder of the NeuroTrust™ Institute, will present information about how the brain makes decisions about trust and how it produces trust behaviors.
Generational Differences in Coaching Workshop
Join ICF and Jeremy May, ACC, for an exploration of generational differences in coaching. This interactive workshop will provide a foundation to provide culturally competent coaching to clients across generations.
Together we will explore global considerations in working across generations, breaking down stereotypes, case studies, and more. This workshop has been approved for 1.5 CCE units
Register today: