We are so excited to share the ICF Coaching Education Global Knowledge Community — a vibrant and engaging virtual community where coaching educators can find the answers and resources they need.
Please follow these instructions to activate your account:
1. Visit engage.coachingfederation.org.
2. In the top right corner of your screen, select “Sign in.”
3. When redirected to the login page, select “Can’t access your account?”
4. You will be redirected to a page titled “Reset Password.”
5. Enter your email address in the text box. Be sure to use the email you use to log into your ICF account.
6. Click “Send Password Link.”
7. An email will be sent with a link to reset your password. Click the link at the bottom of the email that says “Click here to reset your password.”
8. Create your password using the guidelines provided and select “Update.”
9. Agree to the platform terms & conditions. These are available for review at any time within the Global Knowledge Community site.
10. Your account has been created! You will be redirected to the ICF Engage site.
11. Click on the ICF Coaching Education community logo within the ICF Engage site. This will direct you to our community where you can begin engaging with peers around the world.
After your account has been activated, you will be able to log directly into the site from the web address engage.coachingfederation.org/coachingeducation.
If you have issues activating your account, please reach out to support@coachingfederation.org.