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Career Coaching Community of Practice: The Intersection of Neuroscience & Career Decisions on September 24 at 10 a.m. (New York). David Ogle, PCC, MSc, presents “Brain-Built” strategies for neuroscience-based career coaching. Learn practical tools and current research to enhance client decision-making and provide more effective guidance.
Health and Wellness Coaching Community of Practice: Coaching Clients Through Obstacles With Improvisation on September 25 at 11 a.m. (New York). Carrie Spaulding, PCC, demonstrates using improvisation to break clients’ unconscious patterns, increasing awareness and self-efficacy. Learn innovative coaching strategies for client transformation.
Life Vision and Enhancement Coaching Community of Practice: Discover the Potential of Somatic Coaching on September 26 at 11 a.m. (New York). Join Alexandra Fay, PCC, to explore how somatic coaching can transform your practice. Learn this innovative approach that taps into the mind-body connection for facilitating deeper personal growth in clients.
Coaching Science Coaching Community of Practice: Neurodiversity Coaching: Creating Agency on September 30 at 12 Noon (New York). Nancy Doyle, PhD, discusses supporting marginalized clients, particularly neurodivergent individuals. Learn how coaching boosts work performance, self-efficacy, and metacognition, fostering client agency and success.