As an ICF member, you already see the value of belonging to a global network of coaching professionals. Amplify your ICF journey by connecting with local peers through an ICF chapter. Here, you’re not just a member; you’re a driving force shaping ICF’s future.
Being a part of an ICF chapter opens doors in your community. As a chapter member, you help shape the future of ICF locally by adding your voice to chapter initiatives. Your insights not only matter; they also make an impact. In addition, you will gain access to the collective expertise within your chapter’s coaching community.
Participating in an ICF chapter nurtures professional growth. You can take on local leadership roles, network with coaching peers, and give back through community service projects. Most importantly, you play a vital role in growing our profession where it matters most — in your community.
With your passion for coaching, now is the time to get involved with an ICF chapter. Connect with like-minded coaches who share your passion for the profession. Explore chapter opportunities in your area today at coachingfederation.org/professional-coaches/chapter-map.